Anxiety Treatment

Using Mindfulness to Work With Your Anxiety

Using Mindfulness to Work With Your Anxiety

The word mindfulness seems like its everywhere. But what is mindfulness? A good working definition for this article is that mindfulness is being present, on purpose and non-judgmentally, in the current moment. Mindfulness is a broad concept but it includes awareness of thoughts, urges, sensations, feelings, and behaviors. We build mindfulness with intention and by returning to the present moment again and again. Furthermore, mindfulness is practiced with an attitude that is nonjudgmental, curious, and kind…

Doesn’t Everyone Have Anxiety? What’s Normal and What Should I Be Concerned About?

Doesn’t Everyone Have Anxiety? What’s Normal and What Should I Be Concerned About?

Anxiety is hands down one of the most common mental health disorders there is. Its estimated that 62% of adults will experience some degree of anxiety and 31% will experience an anxiety disorder at some point in their lives. Even before the pandemic, anxiety was one of the most common reasons people sought out therapy but after COVID, anxiety has only risen more…

Dealing with COVID Anxiety and Exhaustion

Dealing with COVID Anxiety and Exhaustion

Things feel different lately, don’t they? I’ve been out the last few weekends (almost as much as pre-COVID days!) and it felt so normal that it was weird. With vaccinations continuing and restrictions being loosened, it feels like we’re coming to the beginning of the end.

That’s a good thing right? Overall I’d say yes but for me, and a lot of the folks I know and work with, it’s also bringing a unique set of challenges. Mainly anxiety about returning to “normal” life and complete exhaustion during the transition….

Avoiding What Makes You Anxious Isn't Helping

 Avoiding What Makes You Anxious Isn't Helping

It seems simple, right? Just avoid the things that scare you. Unfortunately, it isn’t that easy. Avoidance behaviors only reinforce anxiety over the long-term and even make it worse. If you start avoiding everything that makes you anxious, you might just end up not able to go anywhere or do anything. I’ve worked with folks whose lives ended up restricted to their houses without any real reduction in anxiety symptoms….

Dealing With Our Feelings Under Stress

Dealing With Our Feelings Under Stress

The other day my best friend and I were talking and we revisited this idea that we’ve gone over and over since March about how the pandemic has intensified everyone’s shit. No matter what it was that you were dealing with pre-corona chances are corona made it worse. This is what stress does especially chronic, traumatic stress that feels bigger than our ability to manage.