Reduce Doom Scrolling
Doom scrolling, while super easy to get stuck in, is also something that we can fight against with some simple strategies and a little intention.
Using Mindfulness to Work With Your Anxiety
All-in-all mindfulness has a lot of application to anxiety and other mental health issues. This article is in no way exhaustive of that application but, hopefully, is something to pique your interest and start you on your own journey of learning about and practicing mindfulness. That’s the key to learning mindfulness - you have to practice it and not just read about.
Doesn’t Everyone Have Anxiety? What’s Normal and What Should I Be Concerned About?
How can you tell the difference between normal anxiety and an anxiety disorder that needs possible treatment. The answer lies in your functioning.
Dealing with COVID Anxiety and Exhaustion
Things feel different lately, don’t they? I’ve been out the last few weekends (almost as much as pre-COVID days!) and it felt so normal that it was weird. With vaccinations continuing and restrictions being loosened, it feels like we’re coming to the beginning of the end. That’s a good thing right? Overall I’d say yes but for me, and a lot of the folks I know and work with, it’s also bringing a unique set of challenges. Mainly anxiety about returning to “normal” life and complete exhaustion during the transition.
Avoiding What Makes Your Anxious Isn’t Helping
Avoiding anxiety is an understandable and normal, yet misguided, strategy to protect ourselves from the pain of fear and panic. Unfortunately, despite it reducing the immediate symptoms, it doesn’t do anything to reduce our anxiety in the long-term (and can, in fact, make it worse.) Learning to approach what makes us anxious, and even more importantly, learning to cope with anxiety more effectively is how we will be back in the driver’s seat of ourselves, our emotions, and our lives.
The Biggest Misconception About Meditation
it is the act of getting distracted from your focus point (breath, mantra, chant, etc), realizing it, and returning back, that builds your mind’s ability to focus on what you choose. Getting distracted and returning to your focus is the work. It’s literally like doing a push up for your brain.
Dealing With Our Feelings Under Stress
Thats why its so important to process and deal with our emotions in healthy ways. This includes things like self-care, social support, catharsis, validation, and self-reflection. Everyone has different needs so its up to you to engage in the process of figuring out what works best for you.
Setting Boundaries in a Pandemic
Pandemics turn the volume up on everything. Whatever issues you were dealing with or anxiety you had pre-COVID, have probably been exacerbated. The same is true for the need for boundaries. They’re something we need in our regular life but also something we need even more during a pandemic.