EMDR Safe/Calm Place Practice
Trauma Kori Loewe Trauma Kori Loewe

EMDR Safe/Calm Place Practice

This month's practice is for our friends who are in EMDR therapy and need help practicing their Safe/Calm place more regularly. Safe/calm place is relatively easy to develop for most of us but can be hard to use to its full potential especially if we don’t practice. This month’s video will guide you through a calm place practice and is meant for you to use repeatedly to build those neural pathways for feeling calm.

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Regulation Practice for the Winter Blues
Trauma Kori Loewe Trauma Kori Loewe

Regulation Practice for the Winter Blues

We are in the thick of winter and a lot of us are experiencing those seasonal affective symptoms like sadness, fatigue, and a lack of motivation. If that describes you, then try out this video. It includes some mindfulness, affirmations, and breathing to help regulate your nervous system. Our brains learn through repetition so repeat this as often as needed during the winter months.

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Regulation Practice for Dealing With Your Toxic Family
Trauma Kori Loewe Trauma Kori Loewe

Regulation Practice for Dealing With Your Toxic Family

Do you have to spend time with your toxic family or friends this holiday season?  Do you find yourself nervous or upset beforehand?

Then this new regulation video is just for you.  You can use this before, during, or after the event and it will both help you to regulate your nervous system as well as provide some affirmations to help with common issues we see with toxic or abusive family members.

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What You Can Expect From High Quality Trauma Therapy
Trauma Kori Loewe Trauma Kori Loewe

What You Can Expect From High Quality Trauma Therapy

Trauma therapy can help you to move past what happened to you so that you can enjoy your life and create a better future. Taking the time to find someone who is a good fit and who implements an evidence-based model of care can help to set you up for long-term success. Being educated on the process and what you should expect can also help you to choose a therapist from an informed place.

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Self-Love, It’s Something We Should All Be Practicing
Depression Kori Loewe Depression Kori Loewe

Self-Love, It’s Something We Should All Be Practicing

What the hell is self-love? When I first heard this term, I thought it was the way you felt about yourself and that’s a small part of it but nowhere near the full story. Love is not just a feeling, it’s also an action word and we show the people in our life that we love them by what we say to them or about them, the actions we take towards them, and the way we treat them. When I started to think of self-love like that, things really started to change.

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The Vagus Nerve and Your Mental Health
Trauma Kori Loewe Trauma Kori Loewe

The Vagus Nerve and Your Mental Health

The vagus nerve, also known as the wandering nerve, is the longest and most complex of the twelve cranial nerves. The Vagus is actually the tenth cranial nerve, or cranial nerve x, consists of two nerves, and travels from the brain stem into the stomach and touches all of our other bodily systems.

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Using Mindfulness to Work With Your Anxiety
Anxiety Kori Loewe Anxiety Kori Loewe

Using Mindfulness to Work With Your Anxiety

All-in-all mindfulness has a lot of application to anxiety and other mental health issues. This article is in no way exhaustive of that application but, hopefully, is something to pique your interest and start you on your own journey of learning about and practicing mindfulness. That’s the key to learning mindfulness - you have to practice it and not just read about.

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Seasonal Affective Disorder 101
Depression Kori Loewe Depression Kori Loewe

Seasonal Affective Disorder 101

Seasonal affective disorder is a pervasive issue, affecting upwards of 3% of the general population, 20% of those already struggling with depression, and 25% of people struggling with Bipolar disorder. Many, many more people struggle with seasonal mood changes that make it harder to get through the day. The good news is, you don’t have to continue to suffer. There are steps you can take, today, to feel better.

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Major Depressive Disorder: What Is It and What Are the Signs?
Depression Kori Loewe Depression Kori Loewe

Major Depressive Disorder: What Is It and What Are the Signs?

Major Depressive Disorder is a pervasive mental health issue but the good news is, there are lots of treatments for it. Your options range from exercise to talk therapy to medication to ECT. Most people will be able to enter remission from their symptoms and go on to lead a normal life relatively quickly and easily with the right tools and insight.

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Fear, Shame, and Guilt: Signs of Doing the Right Thing?
Trauma Kori Loewe Trauma Kori Loewe

Fear, Shame, and Guilt: Signs of Doing the Right Thing?

For those of us who have experienced abuse, our early warning system for danger can go awry causing us to feel guilt, shame, or fear about things that are actually healthy and good for us. This can happen with any abuse but is especially prevalent in folks who experienced child abuse as these misplaced reactions can become ingrained in the patterns and beliefs that make up our personality.

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Dealing with COVID Anxiety and Exhaustion
Anxiety Kori Loewe Anxiety Kori Loewe

Dealing with COVID Anxiety and Exhaustion

Things feel different lately, don’t they? I’ve been out the last few weekends (almost as much as pre-COVID days!) and it felt so normal that it was weird. With vaccinations continuing and restrictions being loosened, it feels like we’re coming to the beginning of the end. That’s a good thing right? Overall I’d say yes but for me, and a lot of the folks I know and work with, it’s also bringing a unique set of challenges. Mainly anxiety about returning to “normal” life and complete exhaustion during the transition.

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Managing Emotional Flashbacks
Trauma Kori Loewe Trauma Kori Loewe

Managing Emotional Flashbacks

Emotional flashbacks are a terrifying reality for many trauma survivors but with practice can be managed more effectively. Learning to identify when a flashback is occurring, using a flashback script, using mindfulness and cognitive strategies to manage the flashback while its occurring, giving yourself the room to feel your feelings, gaining support, building insight, and being easy on yourself are all key skills to practice.

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Avoiding What Makes Your Anxious Isn’t Helping
Anxiety Kori Loewe Anxiety Kori Loewe

Avoiding What Makes Your Anxious Isn’t Helping

Avoiding anxiety is an understandable and normal, yet misguided, strategy to protect ourselves from the pain of fear and panic. Unfortunately, despite it reducing the immediate symptoms, it doesn’t do anything to reduce our anxiety in the long-term (and can, in fact, make it worse.) Learning to approach what makes us anxious, and even more importantly, learning to cope with anxiety more effectively is how we will be back in the driver’s seat of ourselves, our emotions, and our lives.

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COVID Trauma: Three Things You Can Do Today to Start Healing
Trauma Kori Loewe Trauma Kori Loewe

COVID Trauma: Three Things You Can Do Today to Start Healing

The more you can focus on what you CAN do, instead of spinning your wheels thinking of what you can’t, the better you’ll be. There’s no way to come out of this pandemic unaffected but we can mitigate any negative symptoms from PTSD and rest in the knowledge that we did the best we knew how.

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