Smart Substance Use: Harm Reduction Strategies
The good news is, if you’ve found yourself struggling with your substance use, you’re not alone, and there’s some pretty easy and painless changes you can make to see some big results and make sure that when you do use, it’s a safe and fun experience.
Generational Trauma: How to Start Healing
Generational trauma, like trauma in general, is a hugely under-addressed public health issue that affects almost all of us. The world is a brutal place and was more brutal 100 years ago than it is today. For our ancestors, trauma was just the way of life and this impacted them, their kids, and their grandkids all the way down to us.
COVID Holiday Survival Guide
A good mantra to use when grief, sadness, or hopelessness sets in is “This too shall pass.” It helps us to remember that we won’t always hurt as acutely as we do right now even if we are going through hell to get there.
Dealing with the Winter Blue and Quarantine Depression
This winter is going to challenge all of us in different ways just like this year has. However, with a little intention and support, we can make it through winter more healthy than we we started. We can use this time as a launchpad for growth or a period of rest or reflection instead of just seeing it as a waste.
The Biggest Misconception About Meditation
it is the act of getting distracted from your focus point (breath, mantra, chant, etc), realizing it, and returning back, that builds your mind’s ability to focus on what you choose. Getting distracted and returning to your focus is the work. It’s literally like doing a push up for your brain.
Dealing With Our Feelings Under Stress
Thats why its so important to process and deal with our emotions in healthy ways. This includes things like self-care, social support, catharsis, validation, and self-reflection. Everyone has different needs so its up to you to engage in the process of figuring out what works best for you.
Setting Boundaries in a Pandemic
Pandemics turn the volume up on everything. Whatever issues you were dealing with or anxiety you had pre-COVID, have probably been exacerbated. The same is true for the need for boundaries. They’re something we need in our regular life but also something we need even more during a pandemic.
Trauma Is More Than You Think It Is.
There are a lot of people walking around suffering with the impact of trauma who have no idea that’s what is going on. They think they are “defective” or “broken” since no one can seem to help them figure out how to manage their symptoms but in reality no one is treating the right thing.
You’re Not Your Best Right Now and That’s Okay.
We are all dealing with a lot of fear and uncertainty about our future and we need time to process and rest. Give yourself a break and use some of this time in quarantine to show yourself some love. It’ll go a lot further to helping you manage the stress then shaming yourself ever will.
Self-Care for Social Distancing
We can’t control what’s going on, that’s all there is to it. We can, however, control how we react to it and what we do with this time. That is literally the only power we have. It’s important to remember this as we go forward.
We’re All In Recovery From Something
The truth is recovery impacts all of us at some point, in some way and is a complicated and personal process that impacts many areas of a person's life.