Trauma Therapy

Regulation Practice for the Winter Blues

Regulation Practice for the Winter Blues

We are in the thick of winter and a lot of us are experiencing those seasonal affective symptoms like sadness, fatigue, and a lack of motivation. If that describes you, then try out this video.

It includes some mindfulness, affirmations, and breathing to help regulate your nervous system. Our brains learn through repetition so repeat this as often as needed during the winter months.

What You Can Expect from High Quality Trauma Therapy

What You Can Expect from High Quality Trauma Therapy

Going to therapy is hard! It can be scary for a lot of people, especially trauma survivors. A symptom of PTSD is avoiding any reminders of the trauma, so the idea of going to a therapist specifically to focus on the one thing you’ve been avoiding is terrifying. Plus, most people don’t even know what to look for in a therapist or what the process of therapy entails which only causes more anxiety and overwhelm. That’s why in this article we’re going to discuss what you can expect (and, therefore, should be looking for) if you’re thinking about entering trauma therapy…

Fear, Shame, and Guilt: Signs of Doing the Right Thing?

Fear, Shame, and Guilt: Signs of Doing the Right Thing?

Fear, guilt, and shame are feelings that all of us have experienced and none of us enjoy. However, they are supposed to be uncomfortable as they are, along with pain, the body’s built in early warning system. They exist to get our attention and provide us with information about the people and environments we encounter so that we can keep ourselves safe and avoid or mitigate danger.

What to Look For in A Trauma Therapist

What to Look For in A Trauma Therapist

Finding a therapist can be hard! And if you don’t know what to look for, it can seem downright impossible.

When looking for a therapist, it’s important to remember that fit is super important. In fact, the #1 factor to success in therapy is that you have a good relationship with your therapist so finding someone you can eventually trust and be open with is critical….

COVID Trauma: Three Things You Can Start Doing Today to Mitigate the Impact

COVID Trauma: Three Things You Can Start Doing Today to Mitigate the Impact

More and more lately, I’ve been hearing about people’s trauma responses from the pandemic. The folks who are tired no matter how much rest they get, or those who can’t relax despite having more time to do so than ever, or you have the people who are literally scared all day, everyday that they or someone they love is going to get sick and die. These are all symptoms of traumatization from the coronavirus…